Determine HTTP status (200, 404, etc.) with --write-out '%{http_code}'
Copy #!/bin/bash
function httpStatus { echo "$( curl --silent --output /dev/null --write-out '%{http_code}' $1 )" ; }
echo "Azure: $( httpStatus "" )"
Send some XML via POST to a URL
Read body to upload from STDIN (via --data @-
Copy #!/bin/bash
cat payload.xml | curl \
--silent --include \
--request POST \
--url "https://localhost/cgi-bin/postsomestuff" \
--header "Content-Type: application/xml" \
--data @-
Read body to upload from file
Copy #!/bin/bash
curl \
--silent --include \
--request POST \
--url "https://localhost/cgi-bin/postsomestuff" \
--header "Content-Type: application/xml" \
--data @payload.xml
Tracing your cURL calls with Fiddler
When I want to completely see the traffic originating from my cURL instance, I use Fiddler (a Windows-based HTTP(s)-proxy GUI). Fiddler can be configured to decrypt TLS (https://) traffic, but that means that the server certificate for cURL will be untrusted. The following args instruct cURL to use a local (untrusted) HTTPs-proxy:
Copy #!/bin/bash
curl \
--get \
--url "" \
--proxy --insecure
Extract both custom HTTP header values and the body from a request
The following script uses cURL to fetch a web page, and then extracts both an HTTP from the response headers, as well as the body.
Copy #!/bin/bash
function extractHeaders {
local curlResponse = "$1"
local tempF = "$( mktemp )"
local tH = "${tempF}headers"
local tB = "/dev/null"
echo "${response}" | awk -v bl= 1 "$( printf 'bl{bl=0; h=($0 ~ /HTTP\/1/)} /^\r?$/{bl=1} {print $0>(h?"%s":"%s")}' $tH $tB )"
headerContents = "$( cat "${tH}" ; rm "${tH}" )"
echo "${headerContents}"
function extractBody {
local curlResponse = "$1"
local tempF = "$( mktemp )"
local tH = "/dev/null"
local tB = "${tempF}body"
echo "${response}" | awk -v bl= 1 "$( printf 'bl{bl=0; h=($0 ~ /HTTP\/1/)} /^\r?$/{bl=1} {print $0>(h?"%s":"%s")}' $tH $tB )"
bodyContents = "$( cat "${tB}" ; rm "${tB}" )"
echo "${bodyContents}"
someURL = ""
response = "$( curl \
--silent --include \
--request GET --url "${someURL}" )"
body = "$( extractBody "${response}" )"
headers = "$( extractHeaders "${response}" )"
someHeader = "Content-Type"
someHeaderValue = "$( echo "${headers}" | grep "^${someHeader}:" | sed -E 's/^(\S+?): (.+)/\2/' )"
echo "The ${someHeader} was ${someHeaderValue}"
echo "The body was ${body}"