Sometimes I need a zero-install way to interact with Azure. I have no specific Azure utilities at hand, no Python, no nothing. Usually, Azure management is done using PowerShell, the az cli or, if you want raw REST calls, the armclient . But for my customer, even can be too much ceremony.
So the question was how can I get going with purely bash
, cURL
and jq
for JSON parsing, and potentially yq
and xq
for YAML/XML parsing.
Copy #!/bin/bash
# Proper install
sudo apt-get -y install jq
sudo pip install yq
curl \
--silent \
--url \
--location \
--output ./jq
chmod +x ./jq
sudo mv ./jq /usr/local/bin
sudo chown root.root /usr/local/bin/jq
If you're running inside a VM, with Managed Identity enabled, you can easily fetch a token. But unfortunately the VM wasn't authorized to hit the resource I care about.
Next stop service principals. Problem is customer's AD admin team running a tough regime, and don't hand out service principals.
So ultimately, how can I get my actual AAD user identity avail in the shell? In the end, all I need is a bearer token.
Let's dive right in:
A few variables first
I want to authN against 'my' Azure AD tenant, and want to hit the Azure ARM REST API.
Doing a device login (AAD v2)
For the full user login, i.e. device authN, here's what happens under the hood: The code needs to fetch a device code, and then use that code to poll and validate whether the user authenticated.
If you wanna snoop on cURL's requests with something like fiddler , you should add this --proxy --insecure
to the calls.
Copy #!/bin/bash
# --proxy --insecure \
# resource=""
deviceResponse="$( curl \
--silent \
--request POST \
--url "${aadTenant}/oauth2/v2.0/devicecode" \
--data-urlencode "client_id=04b07795-8ddb-461a-bbee-02f9e1bf7b46" \
--data-urlencode "scope=${resource}" \
device_code="$(echo "${deviceResponse}" | jq -r ".device_code")"
sleep_duration="$(echo "${deviceResponse}" | jq -r ".interval")"
# On WSL, copy code to Windows clipboard and launch the site
echo "$( echo "${deviceResponse}" | jq -r ".user_code" )" | iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-16le | clip.exe
cmd.exe /C "start $( echo "${deviceResponse}" | jq -r ".verification_uri" )"
# Poll for result
while [ "${access_token}" == "" ]
tokenResponse="$( curl \
--silent \
--request POST \
--url "{aadTenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token" \
--data-urlencode "grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code" \
--data-urlencode "client_id=04b07795-8ddb-461a-bbee-02f9e1bf7b46" \
--data-urlencode "device_code=${device_code}" \
if [ "$(echo "${tokenResponse}" | jq -r ".error")" == "authorization_pending" ]; then
echo "$(echo "${deviceResponse}" | jq -r ".message")"
sleep "${sleep_duration}"
access_token="$(echo "${tokenResponse}" | jq -r ".access_token")"
echo "User authenticated"
echo "${access_token}"
echo "$( jq -R 'split(".") | .[1] | @base64d | fromjson' <<< "${access_token}" )" | jq
cmd.exe /C "start $( echo "${access_token}" )"
Using a service principal (AAD v1)
Assuming we have a 'real' service principal, we can do this:
Copy #!/bin/bash
SAMPLE_SP_APPID="*** put your service principal application ID here ***"
SAMPLE_SP_KEY="*** put your service principal application secret here ***"
# resource=""
access_token="$(curl \
--silent \
--request POST \
--url "${aadTenant}/oauth2/token" \
--data-urlencode "grant_type=client_credentials" \
--data-urlencode "client_id=${SAMPLE_SP_APPID}" \
--data-urlencode "client_secret=${SAMPLE_SP_KEY}" \
--data-urlencode "resource=${resource}" \
| jq -r ".access_token")"
access_token="$(curl \
--silent \
--request POST \
--url "${aadTenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token" \
--data-urlencode "response_type=token" \
--data-urlencode "grant_type=client_credentials" \
--data-urlencode "client_id=${SAMPLE_SP_APPID}" \
--data-urlencode "client_secret=${SAMPLE_SP_KEY}" \
--data-urlencode "scope=${resource}" \
| jq -r ".access_token")"
Create an AAD app with a specified password
Copy #!/bin/bash
client_id="$( az ad app create --display-name "${display_name}" --password "${client_secret}" | jq -r ".appId" )"
echo "client_id: ${client_id}"
access_token="$(curl \
--silent \
--request POST \
--url "${aadTenant}/oauth2/token" \
--data-urlencode "grant_type=client_credentials" \
--data-urlencode "client_id=${client_id}" \
--data-urlencode "client_secret=${client_secret}" \
--data-urlencode "resource=${resource}" \
| jq -r ".access_token")"
cmd.exe /C "start $( echo "${access_token}" )"
The underlying GraphAPI call for creating an app with a given password
Copy POST${aadTenant}/applications?api-version=1.6 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXA...
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"displayName": "${display_name}",
"availableToOtherTenants": false,
"passwordCredentials": [
"keyId": "8b03e38a-9e92-4c35-beb0-04a40252722d",
"startDate": "2020-11-16T13:40:38.834354Z",
"endDate": "2021-11-15T13:40:38.834354Z",
"value": "${client_secret}"
Even though this says that Adding passwordCredential when creating applications is not supported. , and the sample shows an empty "passwordCredentials": []
array, the call to az ad app create --display-name "${display_name}" --password "${client_secret}"
exactly populates that property.
Using managed VM identity (running inside an Azure VM) (AAD v1)
Copy #!/bin/bash
access_token="$( curl --silent --get \
--url "" \
--data-urlencode "api-version=2018-02-01" \
--data-urlencode "resource=${resource}" \
--header "Metadata: true" \
| jq -r '.access_token' \
Fetch the subscription ID, from the Azure VM's instance metadata endpoint
Copy #!/bin/bash
subscriptionId="$(curl --silent --get \
--url "" \
--data-urlencode "api-version=2017-08-01" \
--header "Metadata: true" \
| jq -r ".compute.subscriptionId")"
Invoke the ARM API, for example with a listing of resource groups
Copy #!/bin/bash
# --proxy --insecure \
curl --silent --get \
--url "${subscriptionId}/resourcegroups" \
--data-urlencode "api-version=2018-05-01"
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" | \
jq -r ".value[].name"
Fetching a secret from Azure KeyVault using a managed identity
This little script demonstrates how to fetch a secret from an Azure KeyVault, using a managed identity on an Azure VM. Just adapt key_vault_name
and secret_name
accordingly, and of course ensure that the managed identity can actually read the secret.
Copy #!/bin/bash
get_secret_from_keyvault() {
local key_vault_name=${1}
local secret_name=${2}
access_token="$( curl --silent --get \
--url "" \
--data-urlencode "api-version=2018-02-01" \
--data-urlencode "bypass_cache=true" \
--data-urlencode "resource=${resource}" \
--header "Metadata: true" \
| jq -r '.access_token' \
# Fetch the latest version
secretVersion="$(curl --silent --get \
--url "https://${key_vault_name}${secret_name}/versions" \
--data-urlencode "api-version=${apiVersion}" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" \
| jq -r '.value | sort_by(.attributes.created) | .[-1].id' \
# Fetch the actual secret's value
secret="$( curl --silent \
--url "${secretVersion}?api-version=${apiVersion}" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" \
| jq -r '.value' )"
echo "${secret}"
echo "The secret is $(get_secret_from_keyvault "chgeuerkeyvault" "secret1")"
Force the instance metadata service to skip the token cache
Use the bypass_cache=true
parameter when fetching a token from IMDS.
Shutdown a VM, quite radically (skip graceful shutdown, just turn it off)
The skipShutdown=true
below is useful in STONITH scenarios.
Copy #!/bin/bash
curl --silent --include \
--request POST \
--url "${subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/${vmName}/powerOff" \
--data-urlencode "api-version=2019-03-01" \
--data-urlencode "skipShutdown=true"
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" \
--header "Content-Length: 0"
Talking to Azure Blob Storage
Copy #!/bin/bash
json_identity="$( \
curl --silent \
--url "" \
--header Metadata:true \
| jq -r ".access_token")"
# Download file
curl \
--url "https://${storage_account}${host}/${file}" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${json_identity}" \
--header "x-ms-version: ${storageApi}" \
--header "x-ms-blob-type: BlockBlob" \
# List Container
# Unfortunately, the REST API returns XML, so 'jq' alone isn't helpful, need to XPath into XML here
curl \
--silent \
--url "https://${storage_account}${host}/?comp=list&restype=container" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${json_identity}" \
--header "x-ms-version: ${storageApi}" \
| xq '.EnumerationResults.Blobs[]' \
| jq -r '.[] | .Name'
# An alternative approach to process the XML response, but ...
# XML processing with Regexes guarantees us a place in hell, but we don't need 'pip install yq'
curl \
--silent \
--url "https://${storage_account}${host}/?comp=list&restype=container" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${json_identity}" \
--header "x-ms-version: ${storageApi}" \
| sed -e 's|<Name>|\n<Name>|g' -e 's|</Name>|</Name>\n|g' \
| egrep "^<Name>" \
| sed -e 's|<Name>||g' -e 's|</Name>||g'
Uploading a blob
Copy filename="1.txt"
curl \
--request PUT \
--url "https://${storageAccountName}${containerName}/${filename}" \
--header "x-ms-version: 2019-12-12" \
--header "x-ms-blob-type: BlockBlob"\
--header "x-ms-blob-content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"${filename}\"" \
--header "Content-Type: application/binary" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" \
--header "Content-MD5: $( md5sum "${filename}" | awk '{ print $1 }' | xxd -r -p | base64 )" \
--upload-file "${filename}"
Commit suicide using managed identity
Copy #!/bin/bash
access_token="$( curl --silent --get \
--url "" \
--data-urlencode "api-version=${msiVersion}" \
--data-urlencode "resource=${resource}" \
--header "Metadata: true" \
| jq -r '.access_token' \
subscriptionId="$(curl --silent --get \
--url "" \
--data-urlencode "api-version=${imdsVersion}" \
--header "Metadata: true" \
| jq -r '.compute.subscriptionId' \
resourceGroup="$(curl --silent --get \
--url "" \
--data-urlencode "api-version=${imdsVersion}" \
--header "Metadata: true" \
| jq -r '.compute.resourceGroupName' \
vmName="$(curl --silent --get \
--url "" \
--data-urlencode "api-version=${imdsVersion}" \
--header "Metadata: true" \
| jq -r '' \
# Stop and skip shutdown sequence. STONITH
curl --silent \
--request POST \
--url "${subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/${vmName}/powerOff?api-version=${virtualMachineARMVersion}&skipShutdown=true" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" \
--data ""
# Properly deallocate
curl --silent \
--request POST \
--url "${subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/${vmName}/deallocate?api-version=${virtualMachineARMVersion}" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" \
--data ""